Sissy STANDard

December 2021

Photography Exhibition

This visual experiment showcases a group of portraits featuring elements of "marginal masculinity" in the context of mainland China's restrictions on gender culture.

The designer has made explicit use of the pixelation process typically used by Chinese media to censor “unhealthy and non-mainstream” content, this time in an attempt to stir the audience’s curiosity about the content of the work. Through interaction with the work, the audience can uncover what lies behind the pixelated mosaic, leading to reflections as to how the current advocation and worship of so-called “masculinity” from Chinese society and media creates another obstacle to marginal masculinity groups, even going so far as to encourage gender discrimination.

该视觉实验展就中国大陆对性别文化的限制背景下,展现“边缘男性气质“的群像生活行 为和故事。 设计师借用媒体对所谓不健康不主流的文化内容广泛使用的“打码”粗暴处理,引发观众 对作品内容的好奇,通过观众与作品互动⸺揭开照片表层的马赛克,引发观众反思当 下中国社会环境和媒体宣扬对“男子气概”的崇拜是否给“边缘男性气质“群体带来另一 重枷锁或是助长性别霸凌的滋生?

Curator: Jiqiang(Johnny) Wen

Photographer: Jiqiang(Johnny) Wen

Cinematographer: Thomas James Gilbert

Editing & Animation: Jiqiang(Johnny) Wen

Music: Photograph (from “Her“) - Stacey Bassetti




The Closet: Father & I